2003 Symposium on Coastal Ocean Observations in the Gulf of Maine

RARGOM Theme Session 03-1

The Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine (RARGOM) held a one-day symposium on the status and future of Coastal Ocean Observing in the Gulf of Maine. Elliott Alumni Center, University of New Hampshire on August 12, 2003. This document contains a summary of the proceedings of the session. For an abstract or the actual powerpoint slides of speaker presentations or for a summary of the plenary discussion, please click on the appropriate links in the agenda.

Terms of reference

In response to the prospect of accelerating global change, ocean observing systems are in a phase of rapid development. Members of the Gulf of Maine research and resource management communities met for a day of information exchange about coastal ocean observing programs and activities in the Gulf of Maine. Invited speakers provided overviews of the present status of long-term observations in the Gulf of Maine, with perspectives on what we aren’t measuring but should be. The session ended with a plenary session, which had the objective of identifying gaps, opportunities, and linkage among researchers and institutions with respect to development of an Ocean Observing System for the region. The session was open to the Gulf of Maine community, who were invited to present posters of relevant programs and activities.


The agenda for the meeting contains links to the content of presentations, in the form of either a summary or the actual presentation.

08:30-09:30            Coffee and continental breakfast available. Poster set up.

09:30-09:45            Introduction to the theme session: speakers and plan of the day. Dr. Jeffrey Runge [hotlink to Runge introduction pdf]

09:45-10:20            Overview of long-term physical measurements. Dr. Neal Pettigrew. University of Maine

10:20-10:55            Phytoplankton, ocean optics and remote sensing. Dr. Mary Jane Perry, University Maine

11:00-11:20            Break

11:20-11:55             Zooplankton measurement and time series in the Gulf of Maine. Dr. Lewis Incze, University of Southern Maine

11:55-12:30            Exploited marine resources. Dr. Loretta O’Brien, National Marine Fisheries Service, Woods Hole

12:30-13:30            Lunch and poster session

13:30-14:30            Gulf of Maine contaminant monitoring. Dr. Stephen Jones, Jackson Estuarine Laboratory, University of New Hampshire

14:45-16:00            Plenary session and meeting summary


RARGOM wishes to thank J. Campbell for assistance with the organization of the meeting and all of the invited speakers for their time and efforts in preparing presentations for the session. Partial support for the meeting was supplied by COOA, the Center of Excellence for Coastal Ocean Observation and Analysis at the University of New Hampshire.

RARGOM celebrates 20 years of service to the Gulf of Maine community