Annual Science Meeting
2023 RARGOM Annual Science Meeting
Thank you for your interest in the 2023 RARGOM Annual Science Meeting. The meeting theme focused on the work of early career researchers in the Gulf of Maine. Recordings of the talks are available below. Enjoy!
Analysis of Gaping Behavior in Eastern Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) as an Anti-Predatory Response
Edwards, M., Jellison, B. and E. White
Exploring the intertidal: relationships between algal canopy cover and invertebrates
Faria, D., Fox, E., Khan, Y. and T. Morelli
Assessing the impacts of investigator disturbance on the breeding success of black guillemots (Cepphus grylle) on the Isles of Shoals
Milsky, N., Yang, A., Clucas, G., and E. Craig.
Exploring the Biology Versus Mechanics of Pinniped Vibrissae
Morris, S.
Juvenile Distribution of American Lobsters in the Gulf of Maine and around Appledore Island
Norton, K.
Characterizing Epifaunal Invertebrate Communities on Maine’s Coastal Rocky Reefs
Ouimet, A., You, D., and D. Rasher
Rise of the Slipper Limpet, Crepidula fornicata: Effects of an increasing prey population on crustacean predators
Van Volkom, K., Jellison, B. and J. Dijkstra
Development of mechanistic physiological models for forecasting Gulf of Maine species responses to extreme temperature events
Villeneuve, A.
Visualizing a Baseline State for the Subtidal Zone of Appledore Island for Public Access
Wenger, M.
Chick diet composition and feeding frequency of Black Guillemots (Cepphus grylle) on Appledore Island
Yang, A., Milsky, N., Craig, E., Clucas, G., Sigler, M. and R. Atkins
Additional accepted talks (recordings not currently available):
FishFlOW IEA: An Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (IEA) of interactions between fisheries and floating offshore wind in the Gulf of Maine using participatory knowledge coproduction
Bingham, J., Lucey, S., Hogan, F., Silva, A., Pavlovic, T. and J. McCann
A Rising Tide? The role of alternative social networks for women oyster farmers in Maine and New Hampshire
Lord, N., Ashcraft, C., Novak-Colwell, J. and L. Williams
- 2022 Annual Science Meeting
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- 2020 Annual Science Meeting
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- 2014 Annual Science Meeting
- 2013 Annual Science Meeting
- 2012 Annual Science Meeting
- 2011 Annual Science Meeting
- 2010 Annual Science Meeting
Register for the RARGOM Annual Science Meeting
November 17-19, 2021
Registration is $35. Click the Pay Now button below. You can pay with a credit or debit card. (You do not need a PayPal account to pay: click the Pay with Debit or Credit Card button on the next screen.)
Student registration is $10. Click the Pay Now button below. You can pay with a credit or debit card. (You do not need a PayPal account to pay: click the Pay with Debit or Credit Card button on the next screen.)
RARGOM celebrates 20 years of service to the Gulf of Maine community